On May 3, those responsible for the LIFE Adapt-Aleppo project from the partners Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Castilla-La Mancha and the coordinator (Natural Environment Engineering) traveled to La Hunde (Valencia) to visit different areas of action with the monitoring monitor by NEEMO, Mr. Cristóbal Gil.

After a brief meeting in Jalance, for the presentation of the attendees and to make an introduction of what would be visited next and exchange of ideas and impressions, they proceeded to the visit of the Nursery of La Hunde, managed by  Valencia Administration (Conselleria). The staff showed the attendees the working method followed for the planting of Pinus halepensis and the state of plant production necessary for the development of plantations planned for assisted mitigation in Valencia on the occasion of this LIFE project, having plants of 7 different origins of Aleppo pine.

Next, a previous assisted mitigation experience developed more than 12 years ago was visited, located on Mount La Hunde, with the presence of Aleppo pine from various origins, where the evolution of each of them is studied by yhe Ministry, UPV and others.

Finally, with the collaboration of the technician from the Conselleria de Valencia, D. Javier Hermoso, together with the Environment Agents of this area, the proposed area for the execution of silvicultural treatments was announced, where it is intended to locate a stand demonstration for work to improve structural and floristic diversity of the LIFE project.