Within the framework of action C1 of LIFE Adapt-aleppo, a tool has been developed that aims to present and make available to users the cartographic results obtained by the methodologies for mapping habitat suitability and detecting decline processes, in the context of the Pinus halepensis habitat in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
These results have been made available through a platform (https://lifeadaptaleppo.agrestaweb.org/) that offers a service for viewing, downloading and periodically updating the diagnosis. In the tool implemented in the VISOR, spatial queries can be made on the set of information shown in the set of layers. The summary data of the query will be shown in a dashboard or results panel, the link to which will be sent via email. To make your query, the user must:
- Select an analysis surface using one of the methods offered (freehand drawing, cadastre, SHP or KML layers). Fill in the email details to receive the link to the results of the query.
2. The user will access the results through the link sent by email, or through the “Query Panel” section, by entering the code received by email.
The mapping results provided by the tool include:
- Historical suitability (historical series of climate data) and future suitability (projections) of Pinus halepensis
The adjusted suitability model is projected to the study area in such a way that a graphical representation of the probability of its presence in said area is obtained. This is done both for the historical environmental characteristics, as well as for those corresponding to the future scenarios corresponding to the three time periods (‘2021-2040’, ‘2041-2060’, ‘2061-2080’) and four SSPs (‘126’, ‘245’, ‘370’, ‘585’).
- Characterization of decline events and the evolution of tree vigor
The severity of the decay events is derived from the calculation of the percentage deviation of the NBR per pixel and year with respect to the median of the last 20 years. This product is used in two ways, first to evaluate the severity of the decay events that are still active at the current time, assigning them a severity class of high, medium-high, medium-low or low; second, this product is integrated into the web application so that users can visualize the evolution of this index throughout the time series recorded to date through a graph.
In addition, the following maps are provided:
- The number of decay events detected over the last 20 years (number of periods in which there are one or more consecutive years with downward slopes).
- Percentage of years that a pixel has been affected by a decay event (percentage of years in the period in which downward slopes are obtained)
- Year in which the start of the longest decay event within the period analyzed was detected.
- The duration of the longest decay event within the period analyzed.
- The start year of the last decay event still active today.
- The intensity of the currently active decay event, assessed based on the percentage deviation of the NBR per pixel and year from the median of the last 20 years.
The web viewer also contains a Technical Information section detailing the methodologies used, the results obtained and future avenues of work. The tool is intended to be useful for all actors involved in the management of the Aleppo pine habitat, helping in the management decision-making processes. In addition, it will allow the characterisation of the health status of the stands in which the demonstration actions of the LIFE project are planned (actions C2, C3, C4 and C5) before and after the proposed actions, and during the monitoring period of the same, as well as of the stands with previous actions for monitoring (action D2), functioning as a monitoring tool.